Monday, December 14, 2009

WOW Mining Guide - 3 Ways to Make a Fortune in Gold With Mining

If you're trying to make gold in World of Warcraft one of the fastest, and easiest routes to take is by mining. This WOW mining guide is designed to give you three great tips to make your wallet much heavier in World of Warcraft.

1. Be prepared before you venture out to mine - There have been many times that I have spent 15 - 20 minutes getting to a zone to mine a specific ore type only to realize that my bags were full, or my mining pick was in the bank. Make certain you have adequate bag space, and your mining pick in your inventory before you leave the main cities.

2. Pay attention to the mining market - Many people often get so focused on getting that coveted, expensive, titanium spawn that they fail to realize that copper is 20 gold a stack, or more often, thorium is going for 50 gold plus. Don't forget to check the prices on vanilla wow ore types as they are very easy to farm and tend to have very high prices in the auction house.

3. Watch trade chat frequently - People like to learn new professions constantly. I, personally have cashed in very well lately by watching people in trade chat looking for large quantities of specific ore. For example, I recently saw someone wanting to buy 200 copper bars. I inquired why to discover he was leveling jewelcrafting. I agreed to go farm all of the materials needed to get him to 450 jewelcrafting for a wonderful 3000 gold payout.

If you truly want to make a lot of gold quickly check out Hayden Hawk's gold secrets guide here. Using this guide I have been able to make 16000 gold in less than one week.

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